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PmWiki: Links

authors (basic) A key feature of WikiWikiWebs is the ease of creating links to other places in the text of the document. PmWiki provides multiple mechanisms for creating such links.

Links to other pages

To create a link to another page, simply enclose the name of the page inside double brackets, as in [[wiki sandbox]] or [[installation]]. These result in links to wiki sandbox and installation, respectively.

PmWiki ignores all spaces between words when creating a link from the text inside the double brackets, and will automatically capitalize words following spaces and other punctuation (like ~). Thus [[Wiki sandbox]], [[wiki sandbox]], and [[WikiSandbox]] all display differently but link to the same page titled WikiSandbox.

In other words, when a page is created PmWiki will automatically name the page using title case, but links to the page will display as written.

A suffix can also be added to the end of a link, which becomes part of the link text but not the target. Thus [[wiki sandbox]]es is a link to WikiSandbox but displays as wiki sandboxes.

Link text in (parentheses) will not be not displayed, so that [[(wiki) sandbox]] links to WikiSandbox and displays as sandbox.

Finally, you can specify the link text via a vertical brace, thus [[WikiSandbox | a play area]], which links to WikiSandbox but displays as a play area. You can use an arrow (->) to reverse the order of the text and target, as in [[a play area -> WikiSandbox]] (a play area).

Some sites also recognize WikiWord links, in which a WikiWord appearing in the text is automatically treated as a link to a page of the same name.

Link Shortcuts

[[PageName|+]] creates a link to PageName and uses that page's title as the link text, eg [[Links|+]] gives Links.

[[PageName|#]] creates a reference link as shown below.

[[!PageName]]creates a link to the PageName in the group called Category.

[[~Author]] link creates a link to the page in the page called Author in the Profiles group. PmWiki will automatically generate that link for the current Author when it encounters three tilde characters (~) in a row (~~~). Adding a fourth tilde (~~~~) appends the current date and time.

Links to specific locations within a page

To define a location within a page to which you may jump directly, use the markup [[#name]]. This creates an "anchor" that uniquely identifies that location in the page. Then to have a link jump directly to that anchor, use one of

For example, here's a link to the Intermaps section, below.

Links to external sites (URLs)

Links to external sites simply begin with a prefix such as 'http:', 'ftp:', etc. Thus and [[]] both link to Google. As with the above, an author can specify the link text by using the vertical brace or arrow syntax, as in [[ | Google]] and [[Google ->]].

Links as References

Links may also be specifed as References, so the target appears as an anonymous numeric reference rather than a textual reference. The following markup is provided to produce sequential reference numbering within a PmWiki page:

Formatting the link as: [[ |#]] produces: [1] as the link.

Subsequent occurrence of the reference link format on the same page will be incremented automatically as per the following example: Entering [[ |#]] produces [2], [[#intermaps |#]] produces [3], and so on for further reference links.


InterMap links are also supported (see InterMap). In particular, the Path: InterMap entry can be used to create links using relative or absolute paths on the current site (e.g., Path:../../somedir/foo.html or Path:/dir/something.gif).

Links to pages in other wiki groups

See WikiGroup.

Links that open a new browser window

To have a link open in another window, use %newwin%:

You can also specify that links should open in a new window via the target attribute:

%target=_blank% Any links on this line like 
will open in a new window.

Any links on this line like will open in a new window.

<< Creating new pages | DocumentationIndex | Images >>

How do I put a link that will open as a new window?

Use the %newwin% wikistyle, as in:


How do I place a mailing address in a page?

Use the mailto: markup, as in one of the following:
    [[ | email me]]

See also Cookbook:EProtect for information on protecting email addresses from spammers.

How do I make a WikiWord link to an external page instead of a WikiPage?

Use link markup. There are two formats:

    [[ | WikiWord]]
    [[WikiWord ->]]

How do I find all of the pages that link to another page (i.e., backlinks)?

Use the link= option of the (:pagelist:) directive, as in

    (:pagelist link=SomePage:)   -- show all links to SomePage
    (:pagelist link={$FullName}:)  -- show all links to the current page
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Page last modified on June 02, 2006, at 08:28 PM